Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I have never been the kind of person to make New Year's Resolutions. Why make an agreement with yourself that you will only feel bad about when you break it in a month? Okay, well, that is me, speaking from personal experience. I have a tendency to make a long list of resolutions only to find out I have forgotten most of them by my birthday (which is January 28, for those of you planning any spectacular presents). I also, am not a fan of those large encompassing resolutions that really aren't resolutions with which to begin. "Be nice to everyone" Well, that's a bit Pollyanna, don't you agree? One should state that you "Will try to be nice to everyone," but in the end, when someone walks into work at 5 minutes till closing time and they choose to order a well done ribeye (coupled with a complaint that we've run out of macaroni and cheese) nice isn't exactly the word I'm visualizing. Rachel, whom I work with chose "become better physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally." Part of her physical plan is to start a weight loss group at work...i.e., we each chip in 5 dollars and whomever loses the most at the end of 3 months gets the pot. I haven't decided if I should be offended, because she asked me if I want to join. Weight loss seems to be on everyone's mind. Currently breastfeeding (about 75% of the time) I'm not trying to lose weight. I have plenty of time in my life to refuse the stuff that tastes good. I say this as my husband makes breakfast burritos, of course.

Still, I feel compelled to make some New Year's Resolutions. It is not possible to keep my house any cleaner, although there are some closets that could use a little organizing. Part of me wants to borrow Rachel's resolution, but I'll probably just back out...if I can't put the effort into coming up with the wording, what is the chance I'll actually stick with the resolution anyway. So, thinking long and hard about it, here are some New Year's Resolutions for 2010. As I have a tendency to lean towards the sarcastic, well, you'll get the idea.

1. Find and attend a church service. Options included are Branch Davidians', Heaven's Gate, and The People's Temple.
2. Make a concerted effort to be less productive.
3. Eat healthier (not less).
4. Walk twice a day.
5. Attempt to be less sarcastic with coworkers (they aren't getting it).
6. Enjoy my family more (it's like going to to zoo).
7. Go to bed at a decent hour.
8. Write/blog more. Did you know there are people who blog everyday? I'm going to shoot for twice a week. Let's say Sundays and Thursdays perhaps?

So, those are my resolutions, but I would love to know what you have in store for your 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone gets on the lets loose weight band wagon just after the new year....however by Feb 14th when they are ready for that big Valentine dinner they tend to say screw it! HEEH

    I plan to get busy running more again...would like to run a 5K this year for St. Pattys day again.

    Drink more WATER and less WINE..HEHE

    Spend more "FUN" time with my husband

    Read more

    Start a food blog

    Cherish my children!
